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14 Reasons You're Not Letting Your Heal: Which of These Are Keeping You Miserable And Stuck?

- The Book

Stronger Than Grief,Grief Support ,Dealing With Grief,Grief Recovery Book,Grief Recovery Process,Grief Recovery Coaching,Grief Empowerment Coaching,Grief Recovery Program,Grief Management Workshop,Grief Management Course

What if...

the primary roadblock preventing you from moving forward isn't what you've suspected? What if what has been truly keeping you stuck in such spirit crushing misery, heartache, hopelessness and despair has less to do with the loss itself - and considerably more to do with the kind of  messages you are giving yourself about the loss and your status these days?
Stronger Than Grief,Grief Support ,Dealing With Grief,Grief Recovery Book,Grief Recovery Process,Grief Recovery Coaching,Grief Empowerment Coaching,Grief Recovery Program,Grief Management Workshop,Grief Management Course
Stronger Than Grief,Grief Support ,Dealing With Grief,Grief Recovery Book,Grief Recovery Process,Grief Recovery Coaching,Grief Empowerment Coaching,Grief Recovery Program,Grief Management Workshop,Grief Management Course

14 Reasons - and grief will never be the same...

14 Reasons You're Not Letting Yourself Heal

If you're anything like most struggling Survivors, you've most likely come to buy-in to the belief that there are no shortcuts for devastating grief. Of course, the perspective being that grief simply takes whatever time it takes - and there's not much anyone or anything can do to change that harsh reality...


However, what if that's not exactly correct? What if there are most definitely changes you can incorporate that will serve to both minimize the depths of your day-to-day pain and sorrow, and greatly limit the duration of time grief continues to overwhelm you so? What if I suggest this with complete confidence because helping Survivors, similarly stuck  and in misery, free themselves by implementing these very shortcuts - is exactly what I've spent the better part of over 5 years now doing? 

Even more alarming, what if I suggested to you that it's the belief that nothing can help that's most exacerbating and prolonging the misery and pain that has been consuming you? What if this is what's most dissuaded you from seeking the right solutions and most capable support to help you through this? And finally, what if the net effect has been the 'no shortcuts' belief growing into a powerful self-fulfilling prophecy - ultimately serving only to keep you hopelessly and helplessly locked in this never-ending cycle of darkness, heartache and sorrow?

"14 Reasons You're Not Letting Yourself Heal" stands in direct contradiction to that whole 'being hopelessly stuck and there being nothing that can be done' mentality. It serves as an uplifting and highly-empowering road-map out of the grief-stricken darkness and devastation for Survivors who are once and for all in need of seeing things commence to change. As a much-needed, no-nonsense, recovery primer, 14 Reasons serves as a powerful, frank and often counter-intuitive demystification of debilitating grief – and 14 prominent associated myths, keeping far too many hopelessly trapped, overwhelmed and consumed in excruciating pain and sorrow.


Simply put, the purpose of 14 Reasons is to equip and empower you to turn the proverbial page on your grief recovery, in route to finally giving you your life back. What do you say? Ready to get started?


14 Reasons... Dismantling The Myths:

Chapter 1 :

If I'm Not Crying, That Means I'm Doing Well

Chapter 2:

Recovery Means Leaving My Loved One Behind

Chapter 3:

I Should Be Doing Better by Now

Chapter 4:

No One Talking Means No One Cares

Chapter 5:

It Just Takes Time

Chapter 6:

Type of Loss Is Value of Loss - Different Types of Grief

Chapter 7:

Grief Is Permanent

Chapter 8:

If I Lose the Grief, I'll Have Nothing

Chapter 9:

Grief Equals Love

Chapter 10:

Family and Friends Are Equipped to Help Me

Chapter 11:

Facing the Grief Is Just Too Hard

Chapter 12:

I Deserve This Guilt; It's My Fault

Chapter 13:

Everyone Expects Me to Be Strong

Chapter 14:

As A Mom, I Was Supposed to Save My Child

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Putting It Succinctly... 

“14 Reasons You’re Not Letting Yourself Heal” is a frank, counter-intuitive and highly-empowering demystification of debilitating grief – and 14 prominent associated myths keeping far too many hopelessly trapped, overwhelmed and consumed by excruciating pain and sorrow.


What do you say we commence turning that proverbial page, in route to finally giving you your life back?

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